Privacy policy

Information collected on the site Plume are registered by PLUME SASU, responsible for processing (25 rue Émile Vandamme à Saint André-lez-Lille – 59350), in a digital file and processed only for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

What information?

Plume collection of personal data concerning persons who consult or use their website When a person enters into contact with Plume , when navigating or creating an account on the site, when ordering a product or using a service, it may be requested to disclose personal data. This communication is subject to its consent and depends on its sole will. Communicating personal data is not mandatory; however, in their absence, certain benefits cannot be provided by Plume.


Information collected on the site Plume are registered by PLUME SASU, responsible for processing (25 rue Émile Vandamme à Saint André-lez-Lille – 59350), in a digital file and processed only for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

To create an account, buy a product or service, receive newsletters or contact via the website or social networks, Plume may collect a set of information relating to the client, including its name, postal address and e-mail, date of birth, telephone number and various profile information when the contact gives its permission.

To pay online on the site Plume, the customer must provide payment information, i.e. its name, the type of credit or debit card and its number, the card expiry date, the CVV code, the delivery and billing address. This information is neither processed nor retained by Plume. Third-party payment agencies may retain this information for the purposes of payment and in accordance with their own privacy policy.

Satisfaction surveys and user questionnaires can be sent Plume to his clients. These data are anonymous and used as statistics.

Some usage data may be collected when the customer accesses or uses the services Plume. They concern all information about the customer’s navigation on the site, its connections to its account, its purchase history, its exchanges with the after-sales service and the returns on its products.

When using the application to connect a product Plume to a smartphone, some usage data may be collected by Plume, i.e. frequency and average duration of use, average mileage, average energy consumption. These data are anonymous. The customer may choose not to communicate this information by deactivating the function in the application.

Use of data.

Personal data collected by Plume are intended for its own internal use. The recipients of this data are exclusively the marketing and communication service, the sales, order and delivery service, and technical services. They allow Plume to deliver targeted information and advertising to site visitors, to operate payment and delivery services, to monitor maintenance and repair products. The statistical data collected are used to improve the reliability, durability and performance of its products.

The collection and processing of personal data, only in the purposes defined above, has as a legal basis the consent of the person and the execution of the contract signed by the client, the safeguarding of essential public interests, including the security of the products, and the obligation of Plume complying with legal obligations, including payment.

Plume retains the personal data collected only for the strictly necessary time for the purposes defined in this privacy policy.

Plume implements the tools to delete the personal data collected as long as their retention or archiving is no longer necessary for the completion of the purposes described above. These means of deletion are also implemented when the customer decides, at any time, to delete his account or the application on his smartphone.

Only retained by Plume anonymous statistical data to analyze products and the market

Plume undertakes to preserve the accuracy, update and integrity of the collected personal data. This data can be updated by the persons concerned at any time on the site or on the application by modifying the data under the "My Account" section.

Plume implements all technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of data collected against unauthorized or illegal access, against accidental disclosures, against modifications, alterations, losses or destruction not consented by the person concerned by confidential information. Specific security measures are being taken to ensure the integrity of the means of payment and bank coordinates of customers.

If, despite these measures, illegal access that could jeopardize the security of data stored on servers was found, Plume undertakes to inform its customers immediately and to take without delay all necessary measures to limit the negative consequences that may result from this incident.

Change and deletion of data.

Information about persons can be accessed by interested persons under "My Account" on the website and on the mobile application Plume.

In order to ensure that the profile is updated, the person may at any time modify the information about it under the “My Account” section on the website and the mobile app.

In accordance with the legal provisions, the account holder has the right to transmit his data to another processing officer by contacting the account manager for the processing of data Plume to the address indicated below.

The person whose data has been collected can control the use of the data. It can delete access to certain information by disconnecting the application Plume. In this case, the customer will no longer be able to benefit from all services offered by Plume.

The person may at any time obtain the deletion of his or her personal data by deleting his or her mobile account or application. Only anonymous statistical data aggregated to other data will be retained, as well as information that the law would require to keep, including to comply with a legal obligation requiring the processing of a data to which the controller is subjected, or for the recognition, exercise and defence of legal rights.

Contact Plume about my data.

For any questions relating to this Privacy Policy or to exercise a right relating to its personal data, contact the Delegate for the Protection of Personal Data of Plume at the following address: or by mail to DPO PLUME, 25 rue Émile Vandamme - 59350 Saint-André-Lez-Lille

Any request will be processed, to the extent possible, within 15 days.

If the treatment, given its nature, requires additional time, the applicant will be informed.

If, despite all the attention we pay to our customers' requests, the question does not receive a satisfactory answer, a claim may be filed with CNIL (CNIL)