Blog & News

What if we transform the ways of moving to the service of decarbonized, reliable and responsible mobility?
Follow our adventures and discover the latest news of Plume.

Plume launches an ephemeral boutique in the heart of the Marais.

Fan of soft mobility, prepare yourself.

Plume discuss mobility at the MOBILI'IN event.

MOBIL'IN, it was 36 start-up actresses of mobility gathered in EuraTechnologies. A federative event that brings together decision makers and project holders around the urban mobility of tomorrow.

What better for our Ambassadors than to participate in the creation of their Plume Allure?

We have experienced a unique experience to our first customers.

What if security is one of our priorities?

The observation is without appeal, today security is of vital importance to all. Between cars, cyclists, gyroroues and electric scooters, it was necessary to find a way to make this means of transport decarbonized safer.

Plume Mobility works with the Casino Barrière hotel.

For a year, Plume has taken its neighborhoods in the fabulous barrier hotel, exceptional collaboration with a common desire, facilitating the life of client.e.s of this mythical hotel, while emphasizing the decarbonation of cities

Decarboner, of course!

"Decarboner, of course" with the Plume Allure for a smoother urban mobility, design and sustainable.

Plume collaborates with Lille Tourisme.

The observation is without appeal, today security is of vital importance to all. Between cars, cyclists, gyroroues and electric scooters, it was necessary to find a way to make this means of transport decarbonized safer.