Digital certificate of ownership.

You have the hand to digitally archive all maintenance or repair services performed on your scooter. The update of the lifebook can be done by yourself if you choose to self- repair your Plume Allure. If you decide to repair your scooter in an approved repair shop Plume, then the repairer can also update your lifebook according to the service provided. In both cases, make sure that the repair history of your product is as complete as possible.


Everything about my life book Plume Allure

From the application menu Plume, select “maintenance book” then “add an event”. All you have to do is select the type of event, its date and its description and add a photo so that our teams can validate the operation that has been carried out. You will receive an e-mail validation within 48 hours or our teams will return to you within the same timeframe for more information if necessary.

The activation of the maintenance log is done directly from the application Plume. In the menu, select “maintenance book” then let you guide.

The maintenance book has several advantages:

He acts as a title of property. Your scooter is attached to your profile Plume and the notebook attests that this property is yours.

It allows you to be notified of periodic interviews to be performed and allows you to digitally archive all maintenance or repair services performed on your equipment, by you or by a professional. Your equipment therefore keeps value for a possible future resale.

It allows you to automatically benefit from 3 years of additional warranty on the chassis of your device.

It allows you to access all information about the origin of your product, its various components, their characteristics.. A real guarantee of transparency.

Finally, even if we put all the conditions to never have to handle this kind of situation, the maintenance book is directly linked to our production lots and will let you know in case of quality problems.

We made the choice of a validation by the brand to certify that the performance was well done. This is a way to ensure the quality of the product over time and therefore its value. In case of resale, it is therefore a quality guarantee for the buyer and a less important denomination for the seller.

When you activate your maintenance notebook Plume, a confirmation email is sent to you automatically. This e-mail confirms the activation of the notebook as well as 3 years of additional warranty. No panic if you no longer have this email, the information is also available directly in your account Plume.


Everything about my life book Plume Allure

The maintenance book has several advantages:

He acts as a title of property. Your scooter is attached to your profile Plume and the notebook attests that this property is yours.

It allows you to be notified of periodic interviews to be performed and allows you to digitally archive all maintenance or repair services performed on your equipment, by you or by a professional. Your equipment therefore keeps value for a possible future resale.

It allows you to automatically benefit from 3 years of additional warranty on the chassis of your device.

It allows you to access all information about the origin of your product, its various components, their characteristics.. A real guarantee of transparency.

Finally, even if we put all the conditions to never have to handle this kind of situation, the maintenance book is directly linked to our production lots and will let you know in case of quality problems.

From the application menu Plume, select “maintenance book” then “add an event”. All you have to do is select the type of event, its date and its description and add a photo so that our teams can validate the operation that has been carried out. You will receive an e-mail validation within 48 hours or our teams will return to you within the same timeframe for more information if necessary.

From the application menu Plume, select “maintenance book” then “add an event”. All you have to do is select the type of event, its date and its description and add a photo so that our teams can validate the operation that has been carried out. You will receive an e-mail validation within 48 hours or our teams will return to you within the same timeframe for more information if necessary.

We made the choice of a validation by the brand to certify that the performance was well done. This is a way to ensure the quality of the product over time and therefore its value. In case of resale, it is therefore a quality guarantee for the buyer and a less important denomination for the seller.

When you activate your maintenance notebook Plume, a confirmation email is sent to you automatically. This e-mail confirms the activation of the notebook as well as 3 years of additional warranty. No panic if you no longer have this email, the information is also available directly in your account Plume.

The activation of the maintenance log is done directly from the application Plume. In the menu, select “maintenance book” then let you guide.


Your Plume Allure has a unique property certificate

Digital certificate of ownership.

You have the hand to digitally archive all maintenance or repair services performed on your scooter. The update of the lifebook can be done by yourself if you choose to self- repair your Plume Allure. If you decide to repair your scooter in an approved repair shop Plume, then the repairer can also update your lifebook according to the service provided. In both cases, make sure that the repair history of your product is as complete as possible.


Everything about my life book Plume Allure

The maintenance book has several advantages:

He acts as a title of property. Your scooter is attached to your profile Plume and the notebook attests that this property is yours.

It allows you to be notified of periodic interviews to be performed and allows you to digitally archive all maintenance or repair services performed on your equipment, by you or by a professional. Your equipment therefore keeps value for a possible future resale.

It allows you to automatically benefit from 3 years of additional warranty on the chassis of your device.

It allows you to access all information about the origin of your product, its various components, their characteristics.. A real guarantee of transparency.

Finally, even if we put all the conditions to never have to handle this kind of situation, the maintenance book is directly linked to our production lots and will let you know in case of quality problems.

The activation of the maintenance log is done directly from the application Plume. In the menu, select “maintenance book” then let you guide.

From the application menu Plume, select “maintenance book” then “add an event”. All you have to do is select the type of event, its date and its description and add a photo so that our teams can validate the operation that has been carried out. You will receive an e-mail validation within 48 hours or our teams will return to you within the same timeframe for more information if necessary.

We made the choice of a validation by the brand to certify that the performance was well done. This is a way to ensure the quality of the product over time and therefore its value. In case of resale, it is therefore a quality guarantee for the buyer and a less important denomination for the seller.

When you activate your maintenance notebook Plume, a confirmation email is sent to you automatically. This e-mail confirms the activation of the notebook as well as 3 years of additional warranty. No panic if you no longer have this email, the information is also available directly in your account Plume.